Travel & Tourism

Welcome to Nature Deprived Blog

  1. No Judgements – There is no upper class, middle class, or lower class in nature. We are all human species, it’s that simple. In today’s society, we are all classified by our assets, our careers, the cars we drive, what kind of handbag we are carrying. In nature, there are no judgements. We do not have to wear make up. No one is there to judge us. I highly doubt the wildlife care which hiking shoes we are wearing! The muddier the better. How refreshing it that!
  2. Freedom of The Mind– Nature reminds us of the present moment. When you are fully enjoying nature, you are in the now. Typically in our normal routine life, we are all obsessed with our own thoughts. Full of anxiety of what may come in the future, and full of doubt because of what has happened in the past. In nature, we are present which is all life truly is. Nature lets us practise this very important way of life. Be present!
  3. It’s FREE The saying is true: The best things in life are free. We are so pressured by constantly buying more. More stuff, more shoes, more clothes. Spending our hard earned money on MORE. In Nature we can finally breath. We do not need to rack up our credit cards to enjoy. Nope! Possibly only the campsite fee, but this is usually minimal. What better way be free of the guilt of spending your moolah. That right there is a moment of happiness, especially if you are raising a family.
  4. Positive Mental and Physical Wellbeing – We physically and mentally feel our best in nature. Whether you are going for a hike, biking, camping under the stars, or sitting on a mountain top enjoying the view, we can fully embrace the stillness. Finally, some peace and quiet. I bet most our lives are full of to do lists, daily maintenance at home, our jobs, now we can be mentally at peace. Not only mentally we can clear our minds of all the clutter, but physically we have never felt better. If you belong to a gym, good for you. In nature, you don’t need a stainless steel piece of machinery to break a sweat, just a walking stick and some dirt! Outdoor activities such as biking, rowing, or rock climbing are the best exercise. So get out there, breath in some fresh air and go for it!
  5. True Beauty – We all know it. Nature is beautiful. Nature is true beauty. Looking at the Redwoods in California, or the Grand Canyon, we can see how beautiful our mother earth is. The human species tries to create beauty- the most exquisite retreats, the most beautiful hotels, the most beautiful cities. But when it comes down to it, mother earth wins the pageant.  The beauty of trees, the colors of blooming flowers, the sounds of the streams is truly a miracle. We all need to get out there and experience this beauty for ourselves. So go ahead, look up and enjoy the view.