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So, how do you know you are nature deprived? Well, truth is sometimes you do not even realize you are nature deprived.  Living among the New York City rat race, you can easily get stuck in a rut. You get up in the morning, get the kids ready for school, hopefully have some time to gather your self before work, commute, and off you go. Work, home, work, home seems to be the pattern. It is easy to get caught up. All your time and energy is devoted to paying the bills and how to keep your families engaged in extra curricular activities. What happened? Is this all there is to life? Do we feel good inside or do we feel burnt out! I believe the further we get from our natural selves and put energies out of our selves, the further we get from true happiness. It is so hard to catch it, but here are a few tips on how to bring your inner self back home to feel more relaxed, fulfilled, and energized.

STEP 1:  


Yes, you can belong to a gym, but it is important to practice yoga as well. This will put you in touch with the moment at hand and help bring awareness to what your body is telling you. Most yoga studios offer other holistic practices such as noise therapy, reiki, and other good for the soul practices.  I highly recommend doing a reiki session by a certified practitioner, just so you can see how your inner energies are functioning. It is like a tune up for your chakras, we all need that!



So there are many Bed and Breakfast retreats that are easily accessible in the most scenic environments. Whether it is in a quaint little town, among the trees of a forest, or a lake setting. Some are even pet friendly so bring the pets too! Often times we think about just getting away for the weekend but do not actually do it. Well folks, it is time to pull the trigger! I have recently discovered a website called Tentrr, which is like an AirBnB for camping. Basically it takes care of all the arrangements from the tents and small details so you just have to come and relax! For more details check out:



It is a no brainer. As humans, we must get out there and connect to our mother earth. It can only benefit our moods and lift our spirits. For me personally, I try once a week to visit my local nature center called Flat Rock Nature Center in Englewood, NJ. I spend just 2 hours hiking, observing the beautiful scenery. They even have rescued birds of prey that you can observe and even adopt. You do not need to drive hours to feel like your getting away from it all. Just find the nearest ones closest to you. No stress. If you practice meditation, this is the perfect time to do it. You can feel your crown chakra opening and will feel a greater sense of connection to the universal energy. The more universal energy you can tap into, the better for you. Anyone can do, and everyone should do it. It can only increase your well being. We are not meant so be stressed and full of anxiety and fear. We are meant to feel the joy of life, we are meant to feel happiness, and try so hard to take it easy on yourself.